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Used Parts, Junk Cars | Industry News

Advantage Of Purchasing Used Cars From A Salvage Yard

Many people think of a salvage yard as a place to junk an old car or to find used car parts. Salvage yards provide these services, and they are also great places for those aiming to restore a classic car with original components. But did you know they are [...]

August 15, 2024|Categories: Buying A Used Car|Tags: , |

4 Reasons To Junk Your Car

There are several practical reasons why you might consider junking your car. The choice between repairing or junking a car is a personal one that should align with your financial situation and transportation needs. Mechanical Failures One of the most common reason to junk your car is mechanical failures; [...]

July 19, 2024|Categories: Junking Your Car|Tags: , |

How To Easily Remove An Abandoned Car Off Your Property

When a car is abandoned in a commercial parking lot, it can become a complex issue. For instance, property owners may need to post clear signage indicating that unauthorized parking is not allowed and that vehicles may be towed at the owner's expense. If a vehicle is deemed [...]

June 25, 2024|Categories: Impounding Cars|Tags: |
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